Monday, February 22, 2010

Cervical Polyps Pathophysiology Which Is More Severe: Cervical Polyp Or Myoma Uteri? Can U Give Theri Pathophysiology.?

Which is more severe: cervical polyp or myoma uteri? can u give theri pathophysiology.? - cervical polyps pathophysiology

Cervical polyp is relatively low compared to a fibroid.

Pathophysiology-Leiomyoma (fibroids) --
Most women with uterine fibroids are asymptomatic and are about 25% of cases5 symptomatic. Symptomatic fibroids are among the most common causes of hysterectomy in the United States6.
Fibroids are spherical or ovoid in shape and with an eye in the wound. Large fibroids can overcome their limited blood supply, resulting in a hyaline or cystic degeneration. Since the blood supply can cause a reduction in calcified myoma.
Estrogen and progesterone are higher than in surrounding normal myometrium7 fibroids. The growth of fibroids is the number of estrogen and relatedreceptors8 progesterone. Gonoadotrophic antagonists result in a temporary reduction in the size of fibroids by 45% after 24 weeks of treatment. However, after cessation of treatment returned to their previous size fibroids in 6 months9.
Pathophysiology - polyps Cervical
Hyperplastic growth of the glands and stroma.
Endometrial glands under the pseudo-stratified epithelium, compared with cystic areas, integrated into stromal vascular system.
The polyps have different number of glands, stroma and blood vessels.
In most cases, the situation is simple histology of endometrial hyperplasia, sometimes almost every gland enlarged () cystic hyperplasia.
Most of them have a basal immature histological endometrialConfiguration of the doctors who are generally not on hormonal stimulation.
Add by Det .-
Although usually regress during pregnancy, fibroids can cause premature labor.
It faces many problems, I wish you all the best!


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